It was a Herculian task reminding me of the sisyphus analogy. We worked on the curriculum, faculty, infrastructure, learning resources, the entrance exam(the konkor), gender related issues, staffing, libraries, laboratories, the system's isolation from the international intellectual community, and so on. Together, and a handful of others we set out to rebuild the Afghan higher education system.
There were seven public universities in the country with a few thousand students. I remember there were 275 employees, very few of them women working in the dilapidated building.
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When we started the MoHE building had no in-door plumbing, heating, internet, or running water.There were two old manual typewriters. rThe preceding two decades of turmoil had pretty much wrecked everything, including higher education. And we had very limited human, financial, and physical resources to work with I think our annual budget then was about $27 million dollars per year. The task we faced was to rebuild the Afghan higher education system from scratch. It is now february 27, 2019, and my life has not been the same since that phone conversation. The rest, as the saying goes, is history. I arrived in Kabul in early March of 2002 and was designated senior adviser to him. I happened to be on sabbatical that semester, and responded affirmatively. We did not know each other at that point. One day in early January 2002, I received a call from Kabul in my office at Lewis and Clark College in Portland Oregon, saying he was the first post -Taliban minister of higher education, and would/could I go to Kabul and help him. His death has created a huge void at AUAF, the literary and academic world and indeed in the entire country. Three weeks later, I still have a hard time reconciling with his departure. My colleague, friend, soulmate, and ally Dr.Sharif Fayez passed away unexpectedly and abruptly on Friday February 8, 2019.